Full Service Jobbing Excellence from West Philadelphia Machine Works, Inc.
Cut-To-Length Lines! WPMW builds CTL Lines to Level and cut to length sheets of aluminum for the truck and trailer body industry |
Customers who have worked with us over the years know that we're very different from other machine shops. Here’s why!
Service - From Design to Production
We work with our customers from design through short-term and long-term production runs. We'll store your parts for
you and help you with drop shipments of inventoried parts on demand.
Large Variety of Equipment
As you can see from our facilities list, we're well equipped to handle many of
your machining needs. We've got three overhead cranes to move large parts throughout out shop.
Very Experienced Staff
Our staff averages 10 years experience with us so we can always assign an experienced person to your order.
We Pick Up and Deliver
If you're within a reasonable distance of our facility in Elverson, PA (50 miles west of Philadelphia), we'll pick up
your parts or materials and deliver your finished parts. We're happy to service you completely and enjoy coming to your
facility to get to know you better.
We Do Design, Short Run, and Production Run Jobs
We take on small jobs routinely. We've helped many of our customers to design or enhance the design of their parts or
assemblies. When our customers request it, we stock their parts for immediate delivery and routinely produce to blanket orders.
Contact us to have us quote your job, or with any questions about our services. Allow us
to support your business objectives the way every good supplier should.